
  • About
    • Managed DNS and email delivery provider
    • names to numbers: -> 168.143….
    • 4 million clients
    • 200,000 zones
    • 100,000 domains
    • 17 global data centers
    • Meant for scalability, automation, redundancy
  • Why CloudCamp
    • rapidly scale
    • pay as you go
    • API automation
    • operational efficiency
  • Dynect Platform
    • Managed DNS
    • Global anycast network
    • active failover
    • load balancing
    • traffic management
    • cdn manager
    • ui and api access
    • SLA – five 9s
  • Load balance between your infrastructure and the cloud
    • split across amazon, rackspace, your servers
  • How it works: when a client comes in from Australia, don’t send them to an U.S. server, route them to the server that is closest via the network.
Glen Campbell
glen dot campbell at rackspace dot com
  • Was at Yahoo
    • During hurricane katrina Yahoo requests went up to 30,000 requests per second, and stayed there for 6 days. 10x the traffic expected.
    • intermittent failovers from various places.
    • wheeled in 50 extra machines
      • took a day just to setup, even though the machines were already sitting there
      • then serving 40,000 requests per second.
    • Now with rackspace, you could scale up within minutes: no need to build new machines
  • One of the goals is that you have no single point of failure.
    • You can’t have one network service provider, one dns provider, one database. You can never have one of anything.
    • For Cloud, you can’t rely on a single database server, single file service
  • Rackspace is part of the open-stack platform
    • open source for cloud computing
    • Our goal is to get Rackspace running on the open source platform by the end of the year.
  • You can run the platform yourself.
  • You want infrastructure that makes it easy to scale, easy to deploy, easy to add services.
Robert Phillips
Sr. Director Marketing
  • Work with 20,000 companies
  • Send over a billion transactional emails per month
  • your app sends email
  • problems:
    • deliverability: inbox vs spam folder
    • analytics: did the customer receive, open it, click on it
    • platform: enhance email from open architecture
  • backend problems
    • isp rate limits
    • blacklists
    • dk/dkim
    • spf records
    • content inspection: ratio of images to text
  • “email isn’t fun”
  • customers: gowalla, plancast, foursquare
  • Integration
    • APIs: STMP, Web API, SMTP relay
    • receive emails w/ parse api
    • pull data w/ event api
    • manage sub users
    • dedicated ip addresses
    • whitelabeling
Gene Kim
Lessons Learned Creating SuperTribe of Dev and Ops
  • Morris Worm 1988 – took down 10% of internet
  • Wrote Tripwire at Purdue in response
  • Tremendous passion for studying high performers
    • started as gene’s list of people with good kung fu
    • people who had the best security, best mean time between failure
    • codified these practices for Visible Ops Handbook
  • Not only in security, but also did work full time doing operations
    • and worked as developer
    • show me a developer who doesn’t cause problems for ops
  • Now more than ever, we need great IT operations
    • Organizations are held up by the ability to get features released, get things through operations.
    • But it’s not just an operations problem, it’s a development problem and a business problem.
Johnny Diggz
Chief Evangalist for Tropo
Geeks without bounds: – volunteer
SignalKit: Notifier
  • Put livechat link on their website
  • Using 6 lines of code and Tropo service, was able to monitor group chat to send IM
  • A carpenter doesn’t weld his own hammer or cast his own screwdriver. He uses an off the shelf tool.
  • Why would a programmer write their own email functionality or notify functionality?
  • See tropo demo that sends map position information through IM to a particular web browser
John Willis
  • Historical culture of dev and ops fighting
  • The cloud is forcing us to have to get along
  • You Better Care: It’s about your business
  • Devops is Velocity
    • The velocity of innovation
    • How do we compete today?
      • By Scale: Scale of users, scale of data, scale of compute power. Businesses can compete on scale.
      • By Velocity of Innovation: How fast can you react to and execute on new market forces or opportunities.
        • Doing 30 deploys a day.
        • It’s about getting ideas to customers really, really fast.
        • How fast can you go from “Ah ha!” idea moment to the “Ka-ching!” cash moment?
          • It’s the applicable lifecycle that seperates the two: and dev and ops and test all contribute to the delay.
    • Once we move to software as a service, everything we thought we knew about competitive advantage has to be rethought. – Tim O’Reilly: Operations: The New Secret Sauce
      • Operations is no longer just the girl friday you bring in once a week to do a deploy.
      • It’s critical to the business, to the ability to innovate, deliver value to customer.
      • If you have crap operations, you might as well shut down your business.
  • New Face of a Rock Star: John Allspaw – VP Technical Operations at Etsy.
    • One of the first things you have to do is find one of these guys. 
  • So What’s Your Culture Dog?
    • “We will encourage you to develop the three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience, and hubris.” – LarryWall. 
    • We became lazy for the wrong reasons: We should have been lazy so we develop automation, so we don’t have to repeat tasks over and over.
    • Leadership?
      • The good guys are going to leave your company if you aren’t showing leadership
    • Wall of Confusion: Dev vs Ops
  • Break Down Walls
    • Force a breakdown in the wall:
      • Take an Ops guy, and put them in Dev
      • Take a Dev guy and put them in Ops
    • Respect each other
    • Enemies are outside the wall: Work together to beat the bad guys outside the wall, don’t fight each other.
      • It’s really clear for a small startup 
      • It’s harder for a big company
    • Fearless Culture
      • Failure is the New Black: We need to embrace failure. You shouldn’t get fired when you break something. 
      • At Amazon, they’d have a game day where they’d try to take down a data center. It’s not tested until we have a failure in production.
    • Sense of Urgency
      • Gotta build a sense of urgency – to be purpose driven.
      • “We gotta do this, or we’re going to go out of business.”
      • The Etsy guys, they have fun going to work. 
    • Partners
      • We are partners in getting things done.
      • When it becomes a question of survival, you had to become partners or die.
    • The Smell Test
      • From Chris Reid
      • If you are in an organization, and you don’t know what that guy does, there’s been a failure.
    • Shaman in your organization
      • There are the guys who know why that flag is passed on that command line.
      • They are the communicators between the people: they are enablers. Everyone comes to find out what is going on.
    • Passion:
      • When you go to work, are you a guy who presses keys on a keyboard, or are you the great programmer that ever lived?
Gene Kim
Co-Founder Tripwire, Author Visible Ops and Visible Security
genek at realgenekim dot me
  • Universal pattern that shows up when your organization needs Devops
  • Three sets of patterns you can do inside dev and ops 
  • Benchmarked 1,300 organizations – to link controls and performance
    • High performance organizations exist and they are 4-5 times more productive than ordinary organizations
    • High performers find and fix security break fast
    • Unplanned work comes at the expense of planned work
  • Vicious Downward Spiral
    • Ops Sees:
      • Way too many fragile applications, prone to failure
      • It takes too long to find out which bit got flipped
      • The problem is detected by a salesperson or customer
      • Too much time required to restore service
      • Too much time spent firefighting and unplanned
      • Planned project work cannot complete
      • Frustrated customers leave
      • Market share goes down
      • Business misses Wall St commitments
      • Business makes even larger promises to Wall St
    • Dev Sees
      • More urgent, date-driven projects put into the queue
      • Even more fragile code put into production
      • More releases have turbelent installs
      • Release cycles lengthen to amortize cost of deployments
      • Failling bigger deployments are even more difficult to diagnose
      • Most senior constrained IT ops resources have less time to fix underlying process problems
      • Every increasing backlog of infrastructure projects that could fix the underlying problems
  • Operations inside the Dev/Ops Super-Tribe
    • Increase flow from Dev to Production
      • Increase throughput
      • Decrease WIP
    • Goal to create system of operations that allows…
  • Zone #1: Decrease cycle time of releases
    • Create determinism in the release process
    • Move packaging responsibility to development
    • Release early and often
    • Decrease release cycle time
      • Reduce deployments time from 6 hours to 45 minutes
      • Refactor deployment process that had 1300 steps spanning 4 weeks
    • Never fix forward, instead “roll back”, escalating any deviation from plan to Dev
    • Verify for all handoffs (e.g. correctness, accuracy, timeliness, etc.)
  • Zone #2: Increase production rigor
    • Define what work is and where work can come from
    • Protect the integrity of the work queue: e.g. infrastructure/process improvements
    • To preserve and increase throughput, elevate preventive projects and maintenance tasks
    • Document all work, changes and outcomes so that it is repeatable
  • Contact Gene for slides/resources.
    • Visible Ops
    • Visible Security Ops
    • Lean IT
    • Web Operations
Earnest Mueller
National Instruments
How we implemented DevOps
  • NI
    • 30 years old, 5000+ employees, mostly engineers
    • Robots and stuff: scientific data acquisitions
  • Before
    • Traditional siloed IT department
      • programmers split by business unit
      • infrastructure split by technology
    • Large complex Web site with dedicated operations team
      • 100 programmers
      • 6 ops guy (doing support, release, systems engineering, security, performance management)
    • Low agility: 6 weeks to get a server
    • Uptime problems with complexity and silos
    • Grand vision: “Don’t spend a lot of money please”
  • The Tipping Point
    • NI decided it was time to make some SaaS products
    • Some existing product to web integration points, but uncordinated and poorly maintained
    • R&D realized they didn’t have web knowledge, started up a new time
  • Blessing and Curse
    • Everything was new, so we simultaneously developed:
      • Team, Process, Systems, Code, Providers, System Automation
    • (existing processes oriented around annual software products, not frequent web releases)
  • The Team
    • We built up our team to fit our role of internal ISV
      • Application architect
      • System architect
      • Operations lead
      • 2 developers
      • 1 automation developer
      • 2 follow-the-sun operations staff
    • Work with other product developer teams
  • The Process
    • Agile
    • All systems work used the “developer” tools and systems
      • Revision control: Perforce
      • Bug Tracking: HP
      • Specs and reviews: Atlassian Confluence Wiki
      • Task tracking and burndown: JIRA/Greenhopper
    • All members collaborate on all aspects of the product
    • This was the key to making it work – using all the same tools. We could prioritize better, because it was all in one system.
    • There can be a fear that the systems tasks would always get pushed out
      • Seemed to be mistaken impression
      • But when presented alongside requirements, decision makers seemed to understand the need for systems work.
  • The Systems
    • Cloud!
    • Decided on Amazon EC2
    • Needed control and agility we wouldn’t be able to get internally: dynamic requirements, fast scaling
    • Needed Linux and Windows both for software
    • Currently taking on Microsoft Azure as well
  • System Automation
    • We built our own: PIE, the “Programmable Infrastructure Environment”
      • Looked at Chef/Puppet, and others. What we needed wasn’t quite any of those.
    • XML System model defines systems, services, code installs, runtime interaction, variable substitutions
    • PIE autobuilds the system from the model: provisioning, software installs, monitoring integration
    • Zookeeper as a runtime registry for systems info and eventing
    • Allows us to start/stop/control/install/autoscale on bunches of dynamic environments
    • We have our dev environment, test environment, production environment – multiplied across our many products. We could deploy a new environment in a couple of hours.
  • Code
    • All REST-based web services
    • Cloud and PIE code mostly in Java, product code mostly in C3/.NET
    • The developer must create and deliver the PIE XML code that will build, deploy, monitor their own code. They must deliver the XML along with their code. The developer is the only person who knows what their system downs.
  • Providers
    • CloudKick – monitoring
    • PagerDuty – paging
    • DNSmadeEasy
    • Postmark – email
  • Results
    • Win!
    • Continuous pipeline of products delivered quickly
    • LabView Web UI Builder ( in release
    • FPGA Compile Cloud in beta
    • One big one in the pipeline and others knocking on our door
    • Using cloud, automation, and collaboration through devops, we’ve been able to deliver the apps quickly and continuously. 
      • Vastly less time that it used to take with the traditional web organization.
  • Challenges
    • overcoming the thought that it was impossible
      • can i do infrastructure tasks using agile? with sprints? by actually trying it, it turns out to be possible.
      • write our own software provisioning sounds hard, maybe we can’t do it. but when you try it, you can.
    • building trust between dev and ops
      • working together in one team and using the same tools really helps. you get transparency. you can’t build the sense of trust when you don’t know what each other are working on.
    • various customer dev teams, some globally distributed
    • explaining core web performance/availability/management needs to desktop developers.
      • Needed to write “why you should log” paper to explain core concepts
    • maintaining vision through rapid change
    • figuring out how to apply dev concepts to systems: what does it mean to have unit tests for systems?
  • Where to Go Next?
    • improve testing -> monitoring
    • monitoring = lightweight, repeated integration test in production
    • culture change is the single most important thing. culture is driven by the demands place on people: if the demand is “don’t spend a lot of a money”, then you get a culture that results from that. if you have them own a product, they operate at a higher level.
Rugged DevOps
James Wickett
  • You want people to build Rugged software because they desire the benefits of it, not just because they are scared of auditors.
  • Am I Secure?
    • latest and greatest vulnerabilities
    • Justification of 
  • What do you think of security people?
    • paranoid, jaded, 
  • It’s an us vs. them mentality:
    • dev vs ops, ops vs security, dev vs security
    • security professionals often degrade developers
    • there is interest across the isle, but often ruined by negative language
  • As bad as the ratio between ops and developers is (many dev, few ops), it’s even worse for security: 1 security for 1,000 dev
  • “How Complex Systems Fail”: google it, great paper
  • Rugged Software Manifesto
  • Rugged characteristics:
    • Availability
    • Longevity
    • Scalable, Portable
    • Maintainable and Defensible
  • Rugged offers affirming values, rather than the Fear/Uncertainty/Doubt of Security
    • You can sell Rugged as a Feature
  • Using Rugged product labels
    • Simple understand of rugged in various characteristics
    • Custom lines of code by category
    • Libraries used and their ruggedness
  • Rugged is Implicit: Customers expect that their money won’t be stolen, their password won’t be intercepted, etc.
  • To achieve:
    • People
      • Sit near the developers: DevOpsSec
      • Track Security flaws or bugs in the same bug tracking system
      • Security guys that are so outnumbered have to make broad statements like “don’t use PHP”, because they don’t have the time/bandwidth to have a full conversation.
  • Recommended
    • Visible Ops Security
    • Web Operations
    • Beautiful Security

(My apologies, I was late to this session and missed much of Doug Lenat’s talk. FYI, here are my notes from the Singularity panel last year that also include Vita-More and Lenat.)

The SINGULARITY: Humanity’s Huge Techno Challenge
Doug Lenat
CEO, Cycorp
Michael Vassar
Pres, Singularity
Natasha Vita-More
Vice Chair, Humanity + Inc
  • Doug Lenat
    • Using inferences to combine knowledge
      • Example: 
    • Forces pushing us toward Singularity
      • Competitive cutting edge apps
      • Demand for personal AI assistants
      • Demand for real question answering
      • Demand for smarter AI in games
      • Mass vetting of errorful learned knowledge
        • for the common good: wikipedia
        • for credit (citation credit)
        • for credit (gamification) <- knowledge economy
    • Forces pushing us against Singularity
      • Large enterprises can stay on top in other ways
      • Bread and Circuits: most of us fnd a BTL game
      • Pick your favorite technology ender: energy crisis, neo-luddite backlack, ai suicide
      • Pick your favorite humanity ender: machines vs people, machines use up all energy/matter/sunlight
  • Michael Vassar
    • Different concepts that are meant by singularity:
      • progress: now has a sort of retro feel, so people are looking for a new word. new institutions, dot com related or similar offshoots are pushing progress in new ways.
      • superhuman intelligent systems of any sort: as popularized by vernor vinge.
        • the future is unpredictable past a certain point
        • the future is predictable up to a certain point by extrapolating trends forward and see how those trends would affect the world.
        • vernor vinge has an amazing track record of predictions from CGI to others… but that his method doesn’t work to extrapolate past 2030. So if he has a method that works up until then, and doesn’t work after that, and he has been shown to be right before, then it’s pretty good chance he’s right about the singularity.
        • now through 2030 is the entire window of opportunity we have to affect history
      • the intelligence explosion: artificial intelligence plus the exponential feedback loops resulting from artificial intelligence.
        • The history of human intelligence progress has been characterized by the amount of deliberation. 
        • Hundreds of years ago, there was very little structured, deliberate thinking. 
        • A little deliberation goes a long way: even today, even only a small amount of all total thought is focused on deliberation. 
        • By comparison, computer thought is likely to be far more deliberate.
        • Therefore, we are likely to see a very rapid acceleration of intelligence.
      • the way to mitigate risk would be to slow down. but if you look at the institutions we have today, such as the free market, collective human will, governments, we have never been able to effect deliberate slow down.
      • if traditional information processing continues to improve along with moore’s law, at a certain point everyone improves along with moore’s law.
  • Natasha Vita-More
    • When Vernor Vinge wrote about the singularity, he wrote about it from science-fiction perspective, but in a basis of mathematics.
    • When Transhumanism took on the singularity, they looked at what it meant to extend humanity
    • When Ray Kurweil took on singularity, he broadened the scope, and brought it to the mainstream.
    • It may not happen, but it probably will.
    • It may not happen in one big wall, but in surges.
    • The transhumanist movement thinks it will come in surges, rather than one big wall.
    • 4 things
      • Quality of Life
      • Technology Human Enhancement
      • Bio-Synthetic Ecology
      • Biopolitics: Concerns and consequences of merging more and more with technology.
    • Quality of Life
      • The Singularity is presumed to be an event that happens to us rather than an opportunity to boost human cognitive ability.
      • There is a theory that these things will be available to those that are rich and have the means, creating a further divide. 
      • But when you look at cell phones, you see that these are widely distributed across all economic and social strata.
      • How can we use super-intelligent technologies to solve our pressing problems: access to clean water, food, shelter, education, medical supplies, solutions to genetic problems.
      • The Singularity needs smart design to solve problems.
        • there is a big gap between the raw intelligence and the intelligence needed to solve human problems.
    • Human Enhancement Technology
      • Therapeutic enhancements
        • We are a biological beings. We can’t just attach technology to us. We need to get busy to understand our brains.
      • Selective Enhancement
        • Wearing technology, using social identities.
        • We have multiple personas and platforms. 

Why New Authors Should Think Like Indie Bands
St. Ours
Alan J Porter @alanjporter
Amelia Gray @grayamelia
Timothy Willis Sanders @timothysanders
  • Have you seen things changing in the publishing world? Does Amazon, Kindle, CreateSpace.
    • It’s become a lot easier to become a known quantity. Historically self-publishing has been looked down upon by traditional press. But in the comic industry, it’s the complete opposite. You have to be self-published, to prove you are committed, you have an audience. That will start to happen in the traditional publishing.
    • I could publish a story in the Missouri Review. maybe 20 people would read it, 10 people would like it, and 5 people would like it enough to seek me out. But if I put it online, I can reach many more people. The old print journals start to lose a little bit of their prestige.
    • The best print journals now have really vibrant web presences now. 
    • My editor contacted me through my web site. I didn’t have an agent. it was totally backwards from the traditional expectation.
  • What successes have you stumbled on?
    • Porter:
      • Different social media places have different audiences. I do promotional stuff on twitter, I do personal stuff, slice of life stuff. I like to keep it a mix. Through it I’ve got to know several editors and people in the publishing industry. When/if I meet these people at a conference, they know who I am, and can put a face to a name.
      • Building relationships both with your readers and the people who publish and distribute your work.
      • I used to blog, but now my blog is more of a static site, and I interact more with people on Twitter
      • Last novella I told was completely because of Twitter: was following a publisher, find out about anthology, and was able to get novella published.
    • Amelia Gray: 
      • Do accept friend requests from everyone, use it to promote stuff and do my business.
    • Willis Sanders:
      • It’s such a new problem: how do I manage my twitter, social media accounts?
      • It’s very different for writers and literature, because so much of what we do is in a very old-school industry. Where else do you study material hundreds of years old.
      • Fiction writers grapple with new technologies in their own fiction. Fiction doesn’t reflect our realities: we’re on Facebook every day, yet Facebook doesn’t make it into fiction. 
  • Do publishers take that following into account? Does it have weight?
    • Gray: The marketing people are obsessed with how many hits my blog gets, what are the search terms, how many followers and friends do I have. (my day job is online marketing/search engine optimization.)
    • Porter: 
      • It’s a great way to study relationships – who does this editor friend? 
      • Too many authors are burning bridges, not realizing that editors are following them. An editor may go from one publisher to another, and you can run into them again and again. 
  • Are writers finding a way to give things away to fans online, the way bands do, and how do publishers respond to that?
    • Publisher (???) has printable books, iPhone app, storigami. They have a huge commitment to design.
    • Publishers and journals don’t like to publish what’s already been published. But there are many online journals/presences that you can be linking to from your own blog.
    • Some of the more forward looking publishers realize the genie is out of the bottle: anything you can find online. 
      • all these books were being bit torrented. so harper collins gave away books for free. which ended up driving more sales of the printed book than before.
    • I took my self-published book, which was $15 for the printed book, and did a $2.99 book on Kindle. It was slow for a while, but sales have taken off, and they’ve even driven up the sales of the printed copy.
    • My main motivation is to have as many people read my stuff as possible. I don’t care how it happens, I just want it to happen.
    • Self-published authors can be book tours and signing. If you can offer a book store an event: a mini-concert plus a reading. Found a local Beatles tribute band to tour and do book signings.
    • Did a cross country book reading tour at bars.
    • Merchandising:
      • Not a lot of writers make T-shirts and buttons, which is something that bands do, which raises money and spreads the world.
    • Of course, it comes down to the work being good.
      • No different than music.
  • Now you can be a full-time author, not being published, just publishing on your own. Will publishing go away?
    • Porter: 
      • Publishing won’t go away entirely. In the end, you still need an editor, a designer, a promoter, and a publisher is still an effective way to get that.
      • What is changing is that publishing is no longer a matter of moving paper around. It’s more about the content than before.
      • Print is still the best user interface around. Books that have great photography and great graphics, I still want in print. The throw away novel I’m going to read once, I am happy to read on my iPad.
    • Gray:
      • The big houses can still afford to pay more, they can hire the best designers, best editors, and they do great stuff. 
      • And they are hiring great experimental people too, doing innovative stuff.
  • Marketing of the book is always going to be a important.
    • Porter:
      • You have to do the marketing yourself, even if it’s a traditional publisher. You have to market the book, and you always have. Now it’s just easier to do. Once upon a time you had to get in the car and drive to every bookstore in the country. Now you can get a national or international following through online tools.
    • Willis Sanders:
      • It’s cool because now the writer has more control. Traditionally, when an indie artist gets popular, their record label starts to focus on what will sell, and the band loses artistic control. Publishing houses are similar: they choose the cover, and the author gets no say.
      • The writer gets more control over the public image of their work.
  • What have you found that hasn’t worked so well?
    • Willis Sanders:
      • Measuring your self-worth by how many twitter followers you have or how many people friend you is a danger
      • Writers are nervous, anxiety ridden people – when they approach social media it can either make them really excited or depressed or both.
    • St. Ours
      • Writers can be slow to adopt social media technology.
      • But once you give them the nudge, they can be eager to adopt.
    • Porter
      • The downside as a writer is that we can look for anything to do besides write: so you can spend all your time on social media, and have no product to promote.
  • Questions
    • Q: There are lots of tools for indie musicians to publish their work and see it rise to the top. e.g. with one site,
      • Fiction audit (fiction off?, can’t find the reference): you put a story up, and people vote on it.
      • There are individual forums and websites that do that.
    • Q: Publishers care deeply about follower count and “platform”. If I have to come with the audience and the content and the legwork, exactly what is the publisher there for?
      • A: Exactly.
      • I’d rather do it on my own terms.
    • Q: What are the terms that make you feel successful?
      • “Success and writer?” do they go together?
      • There are writers with six books and 5,000 followers, and they live in very small apartments.
      • A success is being able to write another book
      • A success is when somebody comes up to me and says thank you.
    • Q: Have you tried giving away first chapters, and then sell the rest? Using the free to sell the non-free?
      • I tried it with one novel, and it bombed. Not sure if that was the writing or the method.
      • But $2.99 is an impulse buy. 
      • Plus with the kindle, you get a free first chapter.
    • Q: Comment from the publishing side: The really great writers are good at building their communities. But you need to find readers outside those communities. You might get 5,000 books from the community, and 15,000 through the curators: NY Times Review.
    • Q: ???
      • An editor is going to read hundreds of manuscripts, and find the one golden one. Writers who are adverse to the online communities can still be successful.

Christopher Poole
4chan founder
  • Founded in 2003 as an image sharing site for sharing japanese anime
    • 12M people visit the site monthly
    • all organic growth
  • /b/ is the dark beating heart of the internet
    • new internet memes are born from this board
    • there are about 15,000 people browsing the index page for random all day, just looking for what is coming up
  • 4chan is anonymous, no registration
    • no structural barriers to prevent you from contribution
  • there is no archive
    • posts created on the random board fall off in minutes
    • it’s survival of the fittest: what manages to stay on the board is what survives, and the other stuff falls of
  • the community is very dynamic: people coming and coming, it’s not the same 12M every month
  • see threads change as the day goes by and different time zones: here are the americans, the japanese, the europeans as the day goes by
  • many different parts of site from origami to anime to the adult stuff. (don’t go clicking around if you don’t know what you are clicking on.)
  • Starting thinking last year: what could we be doing better?
    • the message board hasn’t really changed in the last 10 years.
    • the form, functionality, and asthetic, it’s all the same
    • If you look at where it came from usenet, bbs… it’s all the same.
  • 4chan is special in that people come together and collaborate en mass.
    • the way content is created: many participates coming together, being squeezed together in one space.
    • the product is a meme.
    • the process itself is fascinating to watch how it unfolds.
  • 4 things i’ve learned from 4chan
    • fluid identity: 
      • after TED last year, August Hill came up to him and said he liked that people could chat anonymously. 
      • there’s a loss of the innocence of youth if your identify is tracked across the internet. you get stuck in who you are. the cost of failure is very high when you are contributing as yourself. the mistakes are attributed with who you are.
      • when you have the ability to choose to be identified, to be able to experiment, to poke and prod, then 
      • Mark Zuckerboard equates anonymity with a lack of authenticity. But in reality, it’s the exact opposite: you can more fully be exactly yourself without the concern of people’s opinion.
    • people are all judged the same way: by what their contribution is.
      • when you have identity, then you start to judge by their reputation. “oh this is from so and so, and therefore it must be good.”
    • recaptcha
      • we added recaptcha a few years ago to deal with spam
      • users hated this
      • up until this point there had been no structural barriers
      • people made the best of the situation: they started to make captcha art, saving really funny captcha
    • in the beginning the internet was like a letterpress. you could only contribute text.
      • now it’s more malleabe: you can draw something, push it up, someone else can download it, then draw on up, push it back up.
      • pictochart as an example
      • people are now using pictochat to do animations
    • refrigerator magnet game
      • it’s been around for 10 or more years
      • when describing 4chan, for years he had been saying that the content is fleeting. but realized that actually about 90% of the content was reposted.
      • but what is special, fleeting is the experience: the experience of using it at 9pm on a Sunday night will never be recaptured.
      • it’s like going to a drive-in movie: there’s something special about the shared experience.
      • the refrigerator magnet game…
        • allows you to drag to magnets around
        • some people spell their name
        • some people swear
        • hoard the letters
        • steal away the letter at the last minute
      • 4chan is place where people go to hang out
        • sometimes people forget how important it is to have a place and a community to hang out with
    • canvas
      • people had described it as 4chan 2.0. that’s not it at all.
      • it’s a great site to build, share, create, and hang out – based on the lessons of 8 years of 4chan
      • we started using facebook connect
        • people were asking “how can the 4chan people be using facebook connect?”
        • we were sort of forced to.
        • we don’t disclose any information, we still allow people to post anonymously, but because the user knows that we know, it’s filters out some of the worst behavior.
      • HTML5 canvas editor
        • reduce the amount of steps and friction for someone to take an image and edit it.
          • eliminate the download, save, edit in photoshop, upload.
        • It’s leveled the playing field by giving people a common set of tools.
          • by comparison, in an photoshop community, if you came with an MS Paint image, you’d be laughed out of the community.
      • certain threads are really popular: they start with an image seed, which then gets edited into a bunch of somethings by other people.
      • almost everyone who joins the site goes in and plays with the image editing tools at some point.
        • this was surprising, as they thought that only a small part of the community would use artistic tools.
    • in canvas, like all other communities, a small percentage of users create all the content. 
      • they wanted to create a new middle ground
      • they made stickers which could be dragged and put onto other posts.
      • 100,000 stickers placed in a few weeks
    • they wanted to design a product at the intersection of chat and commenting.
      • chat: synchronous but fleeting
      • commenting: asynchronous but lasting
      • reading a chat log is not interesting. chat is just not lasting.
      • it’s like improv comedy: it’s really fun to be in the audience, be live, and feel the tension. it’s not the same watching taped improv.
      • they started it to be very chatty, but then slide back over to commenting.
    • 4chan was not an overnight success. it’s been a slow steady build over 8 years. there was no hockey stick.
      • you want the core community to form over time.
      • with canvas, concern about the culture growing: if we let 10,000 people into the site tomorrow, it would destroy the fragile culture that is developing.
      • people focus on scaling – as an architecture problem. the real problem is not scaling, it’s building a community worth scaling.
    • sign up using link:

(Aside: Here is my one page cheat sheet for the 4 Hour Body fat loss.)

Tim Ferriss
4 Hour Body
  • 4 Hour Body
    • More than 10 years of data gathering and data crunching, and 3 years of intensive experiments
  • holy cow, watching video of muscle samples being taken
  • Science is a method.
  • You can find amazing scientists all over the world.
  • Richard Feynman: it doesn’t matter how smart you are, how beautiful your theories are, it only matters what the experiment shows
  • There’s tons of stuff on fat loss, but what really works? The experimentation needs to be done.
  • Teenager could deadlift 400 pounds. She trained for 5 minutes a couple of times a week to achieve this.
  • Tracy, mother of 2, loss more than 120 pounds doing 2 or 3 exercise periods per week.
  • Patrick lost more than 120 pounds over the course of a year using slowcarb diet, and 2 cheat days per week.
  • 4 First Princples
    • The Minimum Effective Dose: 
      • Treat exercise and diet as a drug: use exactly the dose needed to get the quantified results.
      • Sample meds:
        • 20 minutes of kettlebells swings, 3 times per week
        • 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up
        • 1:30pm on the clitoris
        • 90-120 seconds of tension for most muscles
          • focus on time under tension
          • 1 set to failure
          • 5 seconds to raise, 5 seconds to lower (removes momentum).
        • 1,200 words for conversational fluency
          • usually identified my ministry of education
          • takes 8 to 12 weeks
    • The Extremes Inform the Mean, not Vice-Versa
      • Design firm working on garden shears: didn’t want to know about the mean user. They wanted to know about the extremes: the parapalegic who was gardening. the elderly user. If they could design for the extreme, the middle will be taken care of.
    • Know Thy Worst-Case Scenario: ET, Staph, Emodin, and friends.
      • Prepare for worst-case scenario if you are going to do self-experimentation.
      • A simple injection ended up as a staph infection in Tim’s elbow which required hospitalization and intraveneous antibiotics.
    • Tracking + Loss Aversion > How To
      • The best protocol doesn’t matter if you abandon it.
      • The Rules of Behavior Change
        • Make it conscious (“flash diet” and before pics)
          • People who use food diaries lose 3x as much weight as people who don’t
          • People who take picture of food lose even more.
          • If you divided group into two and one half got a personal trainer, and one half used iPhone to take pictures, the iPhone group would lose more weight
        • Make it a game (Drucker and five sessions)
          • People who do something 5 times will keep doing it.
            • Rig the first 5 sessions so you’ll keep doing: go to gym for 15 minutes, not 3 hours.
        • Make it competitive (embrace loss aversion)
        • Make it small and temporary (MED, two weeks)
          • two weeks is something people can do
          • otherwise, people will take any lapse as an excuse to give up
      • Keep Improvement Relative
        • It’s not about beating everyone else.
        • It’s about making the biggest possible gains relative to yourself.
  • Questions
    • Q: What about the impact of eating meats?
      • A: Ethically raised meats are possible. It’s possible to be lacto-ovo vegetarian and get enough fatty acids, but to be totally vegan seems to cause issues, reproductive and otherwise.
    • Q: What about these high achievers, type A personalities, how do they approach fitness?
      • A: They are tinkerers, experimenters. They track things. They may not have a complex system, but they have a pad of paper, and they keep track of it.
    • Q: What if we’re already doing yoga, and working out, and doing stuff beyond the MED. Are we hurting ourselves?
      • A: I view exercising as something to have a minumum effective dose, and seperate out recreation: going for hike, doing something for fun.
      • Also, sitting down does far more damage than doing some exercise or recreation.
      • If you don’t have a competitive goal, then go nuts. If you are training for a marathon, than stick with the MED.
    • Q: For language acquisition, verb conjugation is very hard. What to do?
      • A: They do flashcards.
      • Japanese: common characters, 1300 characters.
      • Learn I want, I need, I like. If you tag these verbs with other verbs, you vastly expand your repitoire.
      • gruneberg: imagery for vocabulary. you can learn almost 400 words a day.
    • Q: From your new book, what could you apply back to the 4 Hour Work Week?
      • A: Richard Branson was asked what thing to do to be more productive, and he said “work out”
      • There is a lot to provide that exercise has a big positive impact on learning, cognitive ability, and productivity.
      • Using exercise/recreation to bracket your day: before and after.
    • Q: How to sleep less?
      • Experiment how to increase REM sleep. 
      • Two tablespoons of almond butter, ensures you don’t have low body sugar.
      • Polyphasic sleep: one 4 hour block, plus 20 minute naps.
      • Uberman Sleep: Just 20 minutes. You’ll be completely asocial. If you miss one of those naps, you are f’ed. 
      • Before trying to cut down on sleep, do an 80/20 analysis, and product analysis.
    • Q: Any plans for a workbook that puts all this together – what’s anecdotal versus experimental vs. broadly applicable.
      • A: Want to use sites that allow people to track health to compile data. Working on it.
    • Q: How do we take principles from the 4 Hour Body, and get people who are older, who are in midwest lifestyle, and get them to adopt it?
      • A: It’s hard to fight with logic. Point to social studies: point to Tracey, and what she accomplished. Ask them to make one small change for 2 weeks. 
    • Q: I am allergic to both eggs and most beans. What can I do?
      • A: Allergy tests are notoriously error prone. I have a friend who had an expensive allergy tests, and tests came back that he was allergic to 15 items. Have the tests done again before you make massive lifestyle changes.
      • Same test, same labs, different results. 
      • You don’t need eggs. 
      • You can also create food allergies by eating the same foods over and over again for a long time. If you cycle off for 2 months.
      • Very lactose intolerent if he drinks pasturized/homogonized milk, and just fine if he drinks raw milk.
      • if you don’t eat the beans, track the calories to make sure you are eating enough.
    • Q: Diagnosed with irregular heatbeat. Doctor said “you are stuck with this for life”.
      • A: Some fantastic doctors out there. But… C=MD. As long as you pass your tests, you get an MD. There is always someone who is the worst in their class.
      • The average healthcare visit is 11 minutes. Many times a doctor doesn’t or can’t spend the time to work with you.
      • Get a second opinion.
      • Not always the doctor’s fault: they don’t have the resources or reimbursement to do it.
      • Spend the money to see a good specialist.
      • Get a second opinion.
      • Try removing gluten from your diet, and see if that has any effect. Removing gluten gets rid of many issues.

15 Slides, 3 Writers
Presenters: Jim Coudal, John Gruber, Michael Lopp
  • Jim Coudal
    • Get Yourself on Assignment
      • In avoiding one project, it frees me up creatively to work on another project.
      • When you’ve got a deadline looming the next day for a big deliverable, that’s the perfect time to start a new project
    • Without a Net
      • Not only are you assigning yourself the work, but you are writing it, editing it, and proofing it yourself. There’s no safety net to catch the factual errors, or other kinds of mistakes.
    • Starting
      • Cheat by making up a temporary headline. Give yourself the feeling of having started
    • Drafting
      • Blast through as fast as you can, no thought on grammer, spelling, structure. Just get it done.
      • Then revise extensively. It’s like sculpture: write it all down, and then carve away what is not the final product.
    • Reading and writing
      • He likes to write in BBEdit, and read the published web page. He’s writing in a textual editor, and proofing in a CSS-rich environment. By changing the environment, it helps to make it easier to read what you’ve written with a critical environment.
    • The Lede
      • Be able to add “Let me tell you a story,” at the beginning of the text, and still have it make sense. Does the story grab you from the first line? Is it conversation.
    • Unstuck
      • Don’t get stuck that much. I have a big blob of text that I start with. If I get stuck, I go back to the beginning, and start working on grammer issues and structure, and by the time I get back to where I was stuck, the article has changed enough that I’m no longer stuck.
      • For being really stuck, I take some time away. Go do Twitter.
    • Knowing When You’re Done
      • When the guy from the publishing house comes and grabs the manuscript.
      • Now that stuff is on the web, never. If you see a typo in an article that’s been linked to a hundred times, still go fix it.
    • Footnote
      • Writing is a tool not learned well late.
      • If you are going to hire someone, pick the person who can write well.
  • Michael Lopp
    • Author of several books
    • Getting Yourself an Assignment
      • Ideas come from anywhere, anytime. Maintain openness to new ideas.
    • Without a Net
      • When writing books, I do have a net: editors, copyeditors.
      • When writing my blog, I do have a paid editor: Because I’m terrible at doing my editing.
    • Starting
      • All of my writing between 9 and 11.
      • Read something, drink coffee, get the words flowing, then write.
      • All of the quality writing is just those couple of hours.
      • Don’t write all day. 
    • Do You Feel a Draft?
      • Do three drafts
      • First draft, then print it out.
      • Take the printed stuff, and get into a different context: couch, porch, somewhere not on the screen.
      • Then send it off to editor, get their feedback in Word.
    • Foolish Consistencies
      • I’m a nerd, the world doesn’t make sense without rules
      • I think I’m a better writer when my spine is straight.
      • I think I’m a better writer when my hood is up.
      • Where my mouse is, how my monitor is.
    • The Hook
      • What is the thing that is interesting about this thing I am going to build?
      • I don’t really get started until I know the hook.
      • I write about people at work. But I take the characters, and I mix them together. A character is a composite of several people. 
      • The nerd handle: the explanation of why we are, who we are.
    • The Lede
      • I give myself permission to be vague to keep going. I might use square brackets to mark off some vagueness.
    • Unstuck
      • Context switch: print it out, go somewhere else.
      • Rewrite the last three paragraphs, even if they were fine. I can restart momentum. “A running start”
    • Proofing
      • I bring in outside support to help me get this done.
      • I’m horrible at spelling and grammar
    • Leftovers
      • For a long time, never had anything.
      • Now have 60 articles in my drafts folder.
      • Feel like I am a better writer because I’m not so attached now to what I’ve written.
    • Knowing When You’re Done
      • There’s a magical point where I’m maybe 3/4 of the way through, when I can suddenly see the ending. I may have a lot left to write, but it’s rewarding to see it, and then to get there.
    • John Gruber
      • Foreword
      • Give Yourself an Assignment
        • Nobody tells him what to do, nobody ever gives him an assignment, tells him what to write.
        • Delighted to be spending his life writing.
        • It’s almost never been the case before that you could make a living as a short-form writer.
        • No rules for choosing what to write: it’s just what he sees that is interesting or fun.
        • Articles kill me: I am miserable. My wife knows when I am writing an article vs. just linking.
        • The only thing worse than writing an article would be not writing it.
      • Without a Net
        • When I started writing, I had one reader: my wife.
        • I started posting on related articles on the web.
        • Readers grew to dozens, then hundreds, then thousands. Now 150,000 page views a day.
      • Starting
        • Even a day of farting around in Safari counts as work if it ends up as a couple of blog posts.
      • Drafts
        • I never write drafts.
        • Everytime I write, I feel like it will come out perfect. I think I’ll be done in an hour.
        • It never turns out that way, but thinking that is what helps me write.
      • Foolish Consistencies
        • Apple Extended Keyboard II
        • Last made in 1992. 
        • Cost $170 then.
        • “This is a man’s keyboard.”
        • I write better with it.
        • I won it in a college bet playing a game on the Sega Genasis. “It was my millennium falcon.”
      • The Hook
        • Having the hook for an article is the whole thing that makes me want to write it. If I don’t have the hook, I won’t write the article.
      • The Lede
      • Unstuck
        • Dark gray background with white text.
        • If I am stuck, I switch color schemes: light gray background with black text.
      • Proofing
        • I don’t work with anyone, so I have to proof my own stuff.
        • I can’t proof in my editor (BBEdit).
        • If it’s long, I print it out.
        • If I am going to edit on screen, I have to do a preview in BBEdit, and see it in a web page.
      • Leftovers
      • Footnotes
        • Sometimes the best thing in an article is in a footnote
  • Questions
    • Why do you write in BBEdit?
      • A: I write in a text editor. I don’t like knobs and dials.
      • A: It’s simple, no bells and whistles.
      • A: I’ve been using it since the 90s, and know everything about it.

In 2003 I started blogging in my company’s internal blogosphere. The topic was the intersection of social media and customer support, as well as the Long Tail of customer support issues.

After a half dozen blog posts on the topic, I started to get some attention from other bloggers, who chimed in with their own thoughts and reactions. Their feedback pushed me to develop my ideas further. As I’ve written about before, eventually those blog posts turned into a whitepaper and still later a presentation.

At the time my immediate management chain was not particularly supportive of my ideas. I’ve seen other folks advocate that when your management isn’t supportive of your innovation, then you should simply go above their heads and show your idea to the people above your manager. In my opinion, this is a fine way to make an enemy of your manager. Fortunately, I didn’t do that.

Instead, I started responding to requests for presentations from people in different parts of the business. I spoke to several groups in the enterprise side of our business, the website management portion of the business, the PC business, the research arm. In fact, I talked to nearly everyone except the folks in my own business.

With each presentation, I iteratively improved my own thinking on the matter, my presentation, and my presentation skills by listening to feedback and understanding the application in different business contexts.

One of the reasons this works so well is that strangers don’t have any preconceived notions about who you are. So they are more likely to take what you say at face value. Your ideas get judged, instead of you getting judged.

Whereas, for many people, your immediate managers and immediate peers and partners will view you with a certain amount of baggage: They have their own idea of who you are, what you do, and what you’re good at. This is certainly true of me: my managers have viewed me alternatively as an expert on data analysis, a program manager, a web developer. But when I’ve stepped outside those roles, it’s hard for them to accept that.

By the time I was ready to present to managers in my own group and our immediate partners, I had a well vetted set of ideas, and honed my presentation skills. My managers had received kudos about the work I was doing, so they had some sense that something was coming, and weren’t completely blindsided.

With positive feedback from others ahead of the event, and seeing a well-craft presentation, my own management gave my presentation their full attention, and I was able to break through the barriers of any preconceived notions.

I come into work one morning. I go get a cup of coffee, say “hi” to folks, and sit down at my computer. I fire up Outlook, read my new email, and answer a few questions. And without thought, I head over to Facebook before I start my work. I read through a handful of my friends’ status updates before it hits me.

What the heck am I doing?

It’s my choice how I spent my time at work, and how much time I spend at work. Is reading Facebook what I really want to be doing – even just as a five minute mental break?

I close the Facebook window and sat back. No, Facebook is not really how I want to spend my time. What I really want to do was to leave work early to go work on my book. (At the time, I was writing a science fiction novel.) What I also want to do was prove there was a connection between printer installation failures and people returning their products – a theory I’d had for a while, and which was widely believed, but never actually quantified.

That’s the exceptional stuff. And of course there is my business-as-usual job basics. But reading Facebook and answering email isn’t going to get me out of work early so I could go write, and it isn’t going to get my pet research project done.

I sit down and made a list of the most important things I need to get done that day.

    #1 on that list is to move the research project forward, which meant I needed a source of email addresses of customers who had an installation failure. 
    #2 is to analyze survey feedback on one of our support tools, and send out the results. 
    #3 is to get everything else done so I could leave work a little early to go write.

Determined to stay focused, I ignore email, Facebook, gadget blogs, work social media, and all other distractions. With laser sharp focus, by 11am I have done my two most important and urgent things: moving the research project forward, and analyzing the survey feedback. I finish so quickly I realize that the only barrier stopping me from getting them done earlier was simple procrastination and distraction.

By 1pm I take care of my other business as usual work, and by 3pm I am sitting in a coffee shop working on my book.

This becomes a habit for me. Each day I start work, I made my list of 1 to 3 really important things I needed to do.

The idea for this actually came from Tim Ferriss’s book: The Four Hour Workweek. The idea that Tim put out there was that most of our work day is procrastination: whether it is procrastination by reading email or blogs or Facebook or make-work. And if we just did our really important work, we’d be done in half the time and with twice the effectiveness

I don’t know if any of you ever read David Allen’s Getting Things Done, but he advocates all these lists: lists of things to do at home, by a phone, at work, in front of a computer. Lists and lists and lists. The system is effective for reducing stress and improving productivity, but it doesn’t really help you focus on what’s most important. So you are doing more, but are you doing the right things?

I practice this habit of making a list of 1 to 3 key things each day for months. I made refinements too: making a list of 1 to 3 key things for each week, so I have a general theme for the week.

Most importantly, I make sure that most days, unless the list was truly filled with crucial and urgent business as usual stuff, I put at least one item that moved my own innovation projects forward. I make it a point to get that work done before lunch.

Sure, I still have plenty of business-as-usual things to do, but I’m consistently making progress on my innovation projects.

I am working on one of these innovation projects, when I have a new insight. The idea I am working on is the application of recommendation engines to our newest generation of web connected printers.

Each day I am putting something related to the project on my most-important-task list. For several weeks running I worked on getting access to the data we had, then on how to understand the data. After that, I focused on coding the algorithm. Then I blog about it in the internal company blogosphere, then I optimize my code some more. Then I get some additional data. Then optimize based on the new data.

It finally hits me: I am procrastinating yet again. I am only doing the parts that are comfortable to me. I love coding, and I love data analysis. I love writing and I love blogging.

Those were the things I’d do anyway, even if they weren’t on my most-important-task list.

What I need on my task list is the stuff I am less comfortable with: promoting the idea. I need to make slides to boil down the concept and show the project results. I need to find out who the key players were that would care about app recommendations, and talk to them. I need to sell my idea. I was coding away, thinking I was moving my idea forward, when really I was just procrastinating to avoid talking to people.

This isn’t just a problem that software developers have. I have a friend who is a great salesperson and business person. He loves to talk to people, to build up excitement about a project or an idea. He’s had many great ideas for interesting products, but they tend to remain at a very abstract level: talking points, rather than mockups of screens or detailed documentation. He procrastinates when it comes to the detail level stuff.

Now when I made my 1 to 3 item list, I make sure that my own project ideas are on the list, and I make sure that I’m picking the things I need most to move my project forward. Not just the most fun or most comfortable ones, but the ones that make the biggest impact.

When I finally get around to promoting the recommendations project, I create a set of slides. I deliberately choose to show a high fidelity mockup of what the recommendations might look like, guessing that this would be the best way to describe the concept. I include example data I had run through my algorithm, and a high level description of the algorithm. I feel out who the key people were, then sent then my slides.

That same day the slides started getting forwarded around inside the company, and made their way to several managers and engineers Another engineer in a different part of HP turned out to be working on something similar, and he contacts me so we could share techniques.

Other managers were impressed with the work, and get in touch with my  manager to talk about it. To date the idea hasn’t been implemented for customers, which would have been the ideal outcome to me. But I’m sure it will eventually, and when it does, it’ll be influenced by the work I did.


Context: Any idea you are going to pursue is going to require time to work on it: time to shop it around, improve it, sell it, implement it.

Obstacle: Most people are fully booked. If they look at their life, they don’t see any free time they can use for anything they are not already committed to.

Solution: Start each day with a focused list of a maximum of 3 most important things to accomplish that day (less if possible). Keep a laser sharp focus on getting those 3 most important things done. You should be done, in most cases, by 11am, leaving most of the day to get the rest of your business as usual work done.

In 1996 I discovered that my large corporate employer had a fairly new, but emerging internal company blogosphere. I set up my own internal blog that was a mix of posts on interesting things I came across, as well as posts about my work.

At the time I was working on social media and customer support. I wrote about using wikis for online documentation, forums for customer support, about making support document feedback visible so customer’s could see each other’s comments, and how customer support problems fit the classical long tail definition made popular by Chris Anderson.

I received great feedback on my blog posts: passionate discussion in the comments, many hits and re-posts. People were genuinely enthusiastic about what I was writing, and I quickly became the go-to expert for social media and customer support.

But can you spot the problem? I was talking to the choir. The people reading my blog posts inside HP weren’t executives or decision makers. They were social media enthusiasts. Of course they got why it made sense to use social media for customer support.

I had a vague notion that I needed more reach further out. So I took my blog posts, and made those into a whitepaper describing the opportunity for social media and customer support. Suddenly the people who were reading my blog posts had something that felt more credible that they could forward on to other people. Now I had more reach.

But I was still reaching primarily technical people – people who would like to read a whitepaper. While that was good, but I still wasn’t reaching the decision makers – the managers who were deciding on the plan of record.

I took the next step and boiled everything down into a set of Powerpoint slides. This is one of those tasks that I always have mixed reactions about. On the one hand, the slides look pretty. On the other hand, it feels like I have dumbed down my content.

But suddenly my presentation found its way into the hands of management across the company. I had mid-level managers asking me to present to their staffs on social media. I had senior VPs asking me to coach them on a presentation to our CEO.

A little while later, after presenting to much of customer support organization, and after coaching the VPs who were presenting to the CEO, our Fortune 500 company had:

  • a dedicated social media team in our support organization
  • we launched our support forums – forums which now handle millions of customers and tens of thousands of posts
  • we started looking harder at embedding social features in our web site, and in a few cases we’ve done it.

Now, to be clear: other people did the vast majority of the work, and other people campaigned very hard to create the environment for all of that to happen. I don’t want to downplay all the very hard work that they did.

But I made a substantial contribution to getting social media into the mindset of managers across the company, and painting a picture of the benefits they could realize by using social media throughout our support strategy.

But none of that could have happened if I had stuck only with blog posts and a white paper. Even though the ideas and knowledge were there, had been reviewed by others and improved, it still lacked the final piece necessary to go viral inside a large company: PowerPoint. Unfortunate perhaps, but still true. I had to endorse PowerPoint, make slides and shop them around, and lastly, get out there and talk to people. If you’re a geek who’d rather be writing Ruby code, it isn’t the most natural thing to do. But in the end, the benefits for our customers, our company, and my career made it worth doing the uncomfortable.

Context: Once a new idea is germinated, investigated, and described, at a certain point you need a viral spread of the idea.

Obstacle: Twitter, YouTube, and Blogs spread ideas virally in the global environment, but aren’t applicable for distribution inside a corporate network.

Solution: The most viral communication mechanism inside the corporate is still a pithy powerpoint slide deck. A Powerpoint presentation is:

  1. suitable for mixed visual/written communication.
  2. well accepted by executives.
  3. easy to share via email, the dominant communication mechanism in business.